Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Three Years a Slave: Making him suffer alone while he waits. Part Seventeen.


As the months went by, my Owners began to lose interest in the Pig, and I started experimenting with new ways of making him suffer.
Since I was the only one who went to the shed to feed him and check on him, I began to feel as if he was mine alone and to discover that I also felt the sadistic pleasure of watching him suffer.
The life of a shitty slave faggot is not only work, tasks, rape, and torture; it is, above all, waiting, suffering, bored and silent for the moment someone decides to use you. Being just a thing that waits to be used.
So I started to tie the Pig in positions where he could stay for many hours, even days, without me doing or having any work with him.
I hung him from the high beam of the structure by the gag, like a fish hanging by its mouth. I ensured he could reach the ground with the tips of his feet, with discomfort and difficulty.
He couldn't sleep in that position; hanging there without sleeping for many hours, whole days began to destroy him.
I only let him go when it was time to feed him, once a day, for a little over half an hour. During that time, he would fall to his knees on the floor and eat the food from the bucket and drink the water from the bowl, still with his hands tied behind his back and his ankles restrained by the irons. He ate desperately and greedily because he was exhausted, hungry, and trembling with pain and cramps. If the tortures had not managed to break the perverted masochist, the long hours of solitary immobilization in the closed shed were working very well! I loved to see him crying, moaning, and trembling in deep sadness and despair.
While he was still eating, I would grab the gag to cover his mouth, and he would start begging, in desperation, crying with his mouth buried in the bucket of food.
- For the love of God, I'm hungry and tired. Don't hang me up again; leave me on the floor for a while. I can't stand being hung up like this.
I wouldn't answer; I would finish his feeding, rest, and hang him up again.


  1. Being a slave myself, I very well understand slave Toy’s sadistic feelings. To make another suffer is just wonderfull

    1. My dear XT500France, I am also a masochistic and slut animal. All my posts show what I would like to happen to me.
      I would love to be chained naked to be fucked and tortured for the rest of my days. For faggots like us, captivity is liberation! Torture and pain are prizes. Every morning, after I wake up, I make the bed and get on all fours, naked on it, so my Master can decide which whip to use and how many lashes to give me without limit or mercy. These daily beatings ensure that my body is permanently wounded and bleeding and my soul is happy as a child!

  2. Thanks again Pote. This lovestory is turning me on very much

    1. As a humble bitch, I'm happy to turn you on!

  3. Bravo Toy , portalo alla distruzione psico fisica , fagli intraprendere un percorso che lo porterà alla morte per stenti , e con le ultime energie fagli scavare la sua stessa fossa , all'arrivo di un nuovo e più giovane maiale racconta quando stremato capisce che arriverà la sua fine , magari per mano del nuovo maiale , così anche il nuovo maiale capirà cosa lo aspetta , una volta finita la fossa , il vecchio maiale frocio perverso sarà fatto entrare incatenato , ed il nuovo dovrà aprirgli il cranio con una badilata di taglio , disegna gli occhi del vecchio maiale mentre vede il nuovo che alza il badile e aspetta l'ordine per colpirlo .

    1. Mio caro, che suggerimento bellissimo ed emozionante! Ti garantisco che quello che intendo fare con lei è simile; L'idea che i maialini sostituiscano quelli vecchi è al centro della mia proposta per la fine di questa storia.
      My dear, what a beautiful and horny suggestion! I assure you that what I intend to do with it is similar; the idea that the young pigs replace the old ones is the center of my proposal for the end of this story.

  4. Que enforcamento terrível: se, no limite de suas forças, ele colocar os pés no chão, ele se castrará!

    1. My dear Jay, don't worry; the base of the penis and scrotum is solid and flexible. It will stretch and deform its body without tearing anything off if it relaxes. I've seen pigs hanging in the air, just by their scrotum.

  5. toy .. you need to be more cruel and you need to do it by giving the pig hope .. occasionally, if it begs particularily well, allow it some leniency .. perhaps a different, still painful position that gives it some rest.

    and once it has learned that perfect begging and groveling just might make things for it a teeny tiny bit easier, turn up the screws - perhaps, before even being allowed to beg, have it make love to your feet with its tongue (and you will have taken care to have filthy feet), perhaps make it offer you to be your toilet paper, cleaning your ass with its tongue

    and finally, when it has learned this lesson, make your mercy random .. before gonig to the pig throw a coin or a dice to see if you will allow mercy that day - regardless of how well it begs, grovels and debases itself (animals can be driven into insanity by making punishment and rewards random .. )

    1. My dear follower, agricola64, I assure you that I intend to make this slutty dirty faggot go completely insane. If it could ever be understood as sane, its sanity will disappear.

  6. How long, realistically, is a person able to stand on his toes like this? Does it depend on whether he is allowed some room for minor adjustments?

    1. well .. some of the load can be taken by the other bonds (at least for short times) - so i would suspect that realsically one can stay like that for lengths similar to how long one can stand in high heels ..

  7. Thank you for your story. it is tasked with finding entertainment for its MASTER while we are not able to be together due to HIS travels. MASTER has very much enjoyed your story. As a slave itself it is a bit concerning that MASTER will want to recreate some of the more extreme aspects of the story, but it is pleased that it has made its MASTER happy.That said once MASTER returns next week it expects that it will be having a rougher than normal time.

    1. I would love to see some of the other things it has found.
