Saturday, April 7, 2012

Researching historical scenes I.

There were times when that was not uncommon to have the opportunity to watch a man being whipped. Some watched with pity, others for pleasure.


  1. The eyes are always hungry 👁. And as there had been a flogging taking place, some 200 years ago, a drummer went through the city to call everyone to the marketplace 🥁, because the sight should keep them from committing theft themselves, or even witchcraft 🧙‍♀️. Of course, people flocked to see the welcome distraction from their everyday life, because, the eyes are always hungry. If you want to see a young man 👱‍♂️ being flogged in our times, you don't have to drive too far as a European, a few hundred kilometers 🚙 to the east are enough to join the appropriate paramilitary groups there. (Note the white young man in picture # 9 at the top right of the stairs! 👍)

  2. The pleasure of observing the suffering of others is human and universal, most of these images end up confirming this. See especially the fourth, the British family on the left watches with such tranquility that it reveals that they are used to the spectacle. The white man looks directly at the beautiful ass of the black man pinned to the ground. Maybe thinking about fucking him when the spanking is over. The black man who uses the whip does it theatrically, as if he knows he is performing for the audience. Do you agree that the exchange of glances between the characters is as important in the frame as the whipping itself?

  3. najbardziej podoba mi się ten murzyn przywiązany do grubego pala z gołym umięśnionym tyłkiem......szkoda, że nie jest całkiem goły, bo wtedy byłoby widać jego muskulaturę....a czarni niewolnicy powinni być brutalnie biczowani prze białych, bo to leży w ich naturze...

    1. You can notice that all the images have, who whips and who watches. Although neither described nor assumed, the pleasure of seeing someone being flogged naked, or nearly naked, the sadistic pleasure of watching these scenes was an important motivation for the executions. Those who were there, seeing the scene, felt pleasure, as well as those who were drawing the scene and ourselves, today seeing the drawings. Sadism spans the centuries.
      It is also curious to imagine that so many others envy who is punished. How many imagine being in the victim's shoes, tied up in trunks, naked and equally watched?
