Torture is making the person being interrogated say what you want them to say. Under torture, you confess what you didn't do, you say what you don't believe or think.
But torture also says something about the person who tortures you, because what you do, what you choose to do, says much more than what is imposed on you.
Medieval torture, with the condemned naked and having their genitals disfigured, is a way of releasing the torturers' repressed and repressed desires and fantasies. Do you agree? Do you understand?
Ich glaube, dass jedes Kommentar ubelflüssig sei! Sicher hat jeder S/ von solcher Foltersituation lang geträumt und sich vorstellen, indem einen Nagel in seinen Penis eingeschlagen wird, müsste einen richtigen Riesenspaß sein! Würde es vielleicht sehr schmerzhaft sein? Ich glaube nicht zuviel, wenn man... daran Gefallen findet! Tchüss!
ReplyDeleteYou do not hesitate to use the nail. In Brazil we have many stories of cruelty nailed penis. The pain must be immense but the human capacity to face the pain is also very large.
DeleteI'm not sure whether the pain of piercing the penis with a nail would be that extremely painful 🤔. Due to the erectile tissue, however, it is likely to bleed a lot. Probably the worst would be to see your own cock nailed down 😰.
Deletemagnifique torture du penis cloue ne pas hesiter a cloue le gland pour plus de douleur et en seconde etape des aiguille longues et fines pour les balls sublime crie du supplicie
ReplyDeleteDoit être délicieux disposer librement du corps d'un garçon de causer de la douleur et la torture sans limites ou des craintes.
DeleteEn le voyant pleurer, se tortiller et prie sans pitié.
In keeping with this illustration, I would like to point out an excellent story by Jotto 👍 in which a priest lets his fantasies run wild. Also provided with excellent drawings.
ReplyDeleteDear friend, I didn't know the complete text of this work by Jotto, only part of the drawings. Jotto draws very well, I love his drawings, but with the text together it's much more exciting!
DeleteIt is curious how reading and seeing his work came to me understanding the meaning of nails and shafts penetrating penises. This operation of piercing the penises transforms the male domination member into a pussy. What was to penetrate is penetrated and pierced.