Sunday, March 10, 2024

The gift to the Duchess's Garden.

This post shows the delivery of the boy, who was tied to the totem at the Garden of Delights in the post 

The boy was the youngest and most handsome son of a wealthy merchant family who was sent to court to see if any princesses would be interested in marrying him.
He frequented the Garden and got very horny seeing naked boys being whipped mercilessly. He found that he was jealous of their fate.
He suggested to his father that he give it to the Duchess's Garden. His parents soon realized the advantages of this and requested an audience with the Duchess.
The boy was one of the couple's eight children. He was the most lustful, intemperate, and lazy. He was sexually insatiable, and his reputation was the result of numerous affairs he had with women and men who worked in the family home and shops. Therefore, when he said he would be interested in being given as a gift to the Duchess, his parents were immediately enthusiastic about the idea – as they would eliminate a problem and have social advantages.
In the audience, in front of the Duchess and the others present in the hall, the father undressed his son to show his son's youth, beauty, strength, and dick size. He showed a beautiful and big dick, rigid with the lust to be shown like that to everyone.
The Duchess smiled and said to the merchant: If he is taken to the Garden, he will never return home, don't you?
The father replied respectfully: I know perfectly well, Duchess, that my wife and I are giving you our youngest son as a gift for Your Grace to do with him as you please!
The Duchess smiled and reiterated: this beautiful boy will be a toy for the garden princesses to have fun and study how his body works. His body will be whipped, tortured, and dissected painfully and cruelly. When he dies, pieces of him will be fed to our dogs. You and your lady are aware of this, aren't you?
Without looking away from the noble lady, the father replied: Your Grace, we know perfectly well that this is the fate of the men in your Garden, and we reiterate that we are happy and honored to hand over this son as our gift to Your Grace.
The Duchess handed a collar to the merchant, who solemnly took it and placed it around his son's neck.
She made a sign, and some of her servants approached the boy, took off all his clothes, leaving him completely naked, wearing only his collar, and quickly took him out of the room. He was led away by the servants without his parents or siblings present looking at him or noticing the semen he spilled on the beautiful lobby floor.
That same afternoon, the powerful Duchess received other gifts from other bourgeois families, such as beautiful horses, fruit trees, and exotic tropical birds.


  1. Que jovem bonito! Suas bolas parecem imponentes e muito pesadas. Espero, para o bem dele, que a Duquesa não pense em cortá-los para ele!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what a lucky boy .. and how much i would have liked to exchange places with him when i was younger
