Friday, July 3, 2020

The use of prisoners for troop training.

How can policemen learn to handle whips and batons and immobilize criminals or protesters? The best training mode is using the beasts in captivity.
The municipal prison allows its filthy prisoners to be beaten just for fun and for training police officers. These creatures have no use or rights; they are despicable, dirty, stupid, and useless animals. Sentenced to life imprisonment, they are kept permanently naked and chained, as animals must be maintained. These shits know only hunger, violence, beatings, rape, and humiliation.
If the beating is so brutal that it ends up breaking its arms, blinding, or killing the animal, there is no problem. That's why they are training material for the troops.


  1. Dear Potter, I am your Italian friend. For a long time I thought you had closed the blog. I'm glad you came back. I like the series you are doing on the prisons' amusements. As usual you are a great one! Write that those prisoners, sentenced to life imprisonment, are kept naked and in chains. Don't you think it would be nice if I also told how the days of these beasts are? How they are kept, what they eat, how they sleep, where they shit and pee etc ...
