Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A strong,blind, raw slave, pulling the plow under the sun.

He was very handsome but was born into an impoverished and dysfunctional family that considered him completely stupid. He was always foolish and rude and never did or said anything clever or kind. He never went to school; he was illiterate, uneducated, quarrelsome, and aggressive; he moved away from his family and never had friends.
He never had any documents, any real job, or any chance.
He soon developed alcoholism, his addiction to drinking and gambling, to making increasingly larger bets, often resulting in unpayable debts. He kept changing neighborhoods or cities to escape collectors and the police.
He slept on the streets, worked little or stole, and bothered the country's population. He was big and robust, usually working loading and unloading trucks.

One day, completely drunk, he made his last bet and lost his freedom.
The debt owner sold it to the foreman of a farm in the middle of nowhere.
He traveled to the country's most remote agricultural expansion zone for weeks, where poor small farmers struggle against rugged land and poverty to try to grow something.

There, he was reduced to a pack animal. He spent all his time naked and in chains.
So that he wouldn't try to escape, his owners decided to blind him. In an unknown and unpopulated land, blind and naked, he could not run or survive.
In such remote and poor lands, poor workers did not have many wives, so he was used and raped by other farm workers, cruelly whipped and beaten daily. The beatings and the hot sun soon turned his skin into thick, tough leather.
Constant hard work strengthened his muscles; he was muscular and strong like an ox.
He lost all his humanity, dignity, and will; he became a brute, dirty, dull animal.
He lived like this for decades, gradually growing older and losing strength and resistance. As the force decreased, the beatings became more violent and frequent. One day, the foreman told the farm owner that this beast could no longer handle heavy work daily; what do we do with it?
The animal's owner quickly responded - Do what do we do with old mules, slaughter them, and feed them to dogs and pigs.
He ended up like all the other animals on the farm.


  1. Superb. This drawing has my fingers itching to grab the whip. Thanks. TAM
