Wednesday, November 9, 2022

This is the tenth post in the series that tells the story of a submissive fag who wanted to be reduced to a Pig.

As soon as the guy arrived at the pig farming company, everyone treated him like one of the company's pigs.
When he tried to say something, he was violently slapped in the face and punched in the head, accompanied by the shout, "Shut up pig."
The idea was that he soon realized that he had to accept his condition as a pig.
He was always kept naked with different collars and lashings with chains and handcuffs. So that he wouldn't even think about saying anything; they kept him gagged for many hours.
They shaved off his hair and beard and, without care or concern, placed steel rings piercing his ears, nipples, and nose. The rings were thick and heavy, and the perforations were very painful. When they put it in the Pig's nose, they broke his nose, which he was very sore and injured for weeks.
The function of the rings was to allow keepers to pull the pig through them, an efficient way of driving the animal. Or even immobilize him by being able to chain him with the rings.
The keepers kept the Pig on all fours most of the time.
For the first time, he had a closer relationship, living among the pigs, and in a short time, he smelled like them.
In a short time, the pigs in the pigsty already understood that he was one of them.


  1. Just found out your Twitter is gone. Will you come back?

    1. It was the Twitter administration that turned me off! I'm appealing and trying to make them see that I don't break any of the rules of the platform. I really want to get back to Twitter.

  2. The series is fun, but it would be much more interesting if the victim was not willing.
