Sunday, October 16, 2022

This is the sixth post in the series that tells the story of a submissive fag who wanted to be reduced to a Pig.


All the men in the office felt free to abuse the Pig, and he attended to everyone without measuring efforts or consequences. 

Accountants had some frantic days, with the closure and delivery of extensive accounting reports on short notice, with little time and a lot of responsibility.

On those days, several colleagues asked Pig to give blowjobs during working hours, right there, in the working position, in front of everyone else.

The Pig, dutifully and helpfully, knelt and put his colleague's dick in his mouth without question. Even during work meetings, with colleagues talking on the cell phone with customers or family, the Pig would make them come and swallow everything without dropping a single drop.

From cleaning to kitchen staff, the younger and simpler office assistants and employees also had their orders obeyed. In the hallways, in the pantry, in the garage, anywhere a worker ordered the Pig to get on all fours and suck anyone's dick, anytime.

On the first weekend, right after payday, the boys ordered Pig to give them his wallet with all his cards, documents, and money, and he obeyed. Then they took him to a more industrial area on the other side of town. In a deserted and sinister street, they all got blowjobs while kicking and beating the slut fag mercilessly.

After all the boys fucked and beat him up, they pissed on the dutiful fag and just walked away.

The fag had to walk alone, bruised and dirty with cum and piss, to his house because he didn't have the money to take a bus.

He did not complain or tell anyone at the company what happened and just continued to act like everyone's bitch.

That month the Pig didn't have the money to pay any of his bills.

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