Sunday, November 28, 2021

Years ago I made my last choice.

One day, years ago, I made my last choice, I accepted being just a slave.

After years of searching, I found a radical gay BDSM site on the deep web. I sent photos, filled out forms, ran several tests, and received instructions. I waited at a corner until I was picked up by a van, handcuffed, gagged and hooded and taken to a farm I have no idea where it is.

Since I arrived, I've been naked and chained the entire time. I work all day, in the sun, under orders and lashes.

At night I'm washed, fucked and fed before falling asleep on the hard floor. No one has ever spoken to me again, I don't even know if I still know how to speak, because every time I open my mouth it's just to moan in pain and despair.

My body is all muscle, stronger than ever, hard work makes it stronger, but my leather is covered in marks and bruises.

I don't know how many years I will survive this difficult life. But I can guarantee that, this was the life of my dreams, I was never so happy!


  1. Please re-edit this post drawing the full-body slave.
    A beautiful slave like this deserves to be posted full-length.

  2. Este também é meu sonho. Quero passar o resto de minha vida assim. Sonho em ser este escravo.

  3. No właśnie.....może Mistrz Pote narysuje tego niewolnika w całości.....i najlepiej z różnych stron.....z przodu i może z tyłu, żeby moc podziwiać jego umięśnione plecy i tyłek....
