Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The whipped boys do not complain, they and their families do not protest, they accept that the right of their masters is unlimited.

The Russian nobles were feudal lords with total power over all the families who inhabited their lands. During the long winters, when food was scarce, and hunger threatened the survival of all, they would stay in their comfortable and heated palaces. The noble families spent months of tedious parties and endless drunkenness without being able to leave during the snowstorms. One of the diversions was to bring the sons of the servants, or the orphaned boys, to torture and whip them for no reason or justification. Seeing a handsome boy being beaten, crying, and sobbing in pain, hearing their moans and supplications is delicious.
The whole noble family could have fun with the scene. Curiously observe the effect of each type of whip as each blow marks the boy's thin, delicate white skin.
The maid and servants help to tie and beat the young man without showing any mercy.
Some families even sent their most vigorous and robust children to their masters' dacha in exchange for food or even to have one less mouth to feed. The poverty was so great that the boys were often left on the porches of the dachas naked so they could bring their clothes back to their homes for the other children to wear.
The boys chosen to entertain the parties do not complain. 
Their families do not protest; they accept that the rights of their masters are unlimited.


  1. You are as good a writer as a visual artist.

  2. Les propriétaires terriens sont propriétaires bien évidemment des terres de leur domaine mais aussi de tout ce qui s'y trouve: animaux sauvages, les fermiers et leurs familles. Il est donc normal pour occuper le temps d'utiliser son bien pour se divertir en se réchauffant par de l'exercice physique. La musique interprétée par de jeunes voix encourage les Maîtres à se procurer du plaisir en invitant d'autres Seigneur à participer à leurs jeux.

    1. Mon ami, vous comprenez très bien le concept de propriété et de droits de propriété. Je vous propose de vous inscrire, en tant que suiveur du blog, afin que vos commentaires soient identifiés et ne restent pas anonymes.
