Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bound and naked slave, waiting to be used.

All the masochists, like me, have the fantasy of remain naked and tied up while waiting for your Master using it. Remain tied, in pain, for long periods is more interesting as fantasy than as practical, but it is exciting.
I think nice to see the bound and helpless animal.
Two very different styles of drawings, which one you enjoy more?


  1. niesamowity rysunek Mistrzu.....zaczepiony i ciągnięty za suty, kutasa i język.....może obok stoją jego Oprawcy......szkoda, że jego kutas nie ma obciągniętej żołędzi i lina nie zaciska mu się na maxa pod grzybem jego fiuta...lubię takie żylaste i nabrzmiałe kutasy pedałów ......powinni moim zdaniem na stałe mieć odsłonięte żołędzie i cały czas kablami ściśniętego z całych sił fiuta po grzybem......a może też założyć mu tam jakąś ciężką kłódkę???

    1. My masochist and whore friend loved your suggestions. Slaves' penises and balls must be used only for the pleasure of their owners. Torturing the sensitive parts is pure pleasure! However, as you can imagine, cutting them off is always a possibility.

  2. The top one. I see more of myself in it.

    1. That sad, passionate look waiting to be used?

  3. I enjoy the first drawing more, as I wait without knowing what will happen. Totally in the hands of a sadistic Master.

    1. It's what we want most, isn't it? Losing all control of our bodies, our lives and time, simply being at His disposal.
