Saturday, May 10, 2014

Torture and pain makes me horny.

I love it when his body is tied to prevent any reaction and prevent him from defending himself. So all his sensitive parts: nipples, tongue, and penis, can be tightened and twisted cruelly. Watching him squirm and cry and his screams and tears excites me.

Sex and pain are inseparable for me. I don't know if I'd prefer to be tied up and naked at the disposal of someone excited to cause pain and see me suffering or being tied up naked, feeling pain to make those who torture me horny. I love having my tights twisted and pulled, but I also feel pleasure in squeezing and twisting the tits of a submissive and masochistic man.


  1. This work of yours is exciting as for the content and very classy as for the execution. I like this style of drawing. Using colour background makes it look almost like "a troix crayon" technique. The white field looks great and helps outlines to stand out!
    Very well done!

  2. j aime vos commentaires ainsi que le rendu de la torture sur le prisionner un peu de sadisme supplementaire aurait ete la pince sur un des testicules

  3. tout a fait d accord avec anonyme la torture sur les balls d un prisionner est vraiment agreable pour le plaisir de l entendre hurler jusqu au moment onn obtient la rupyure complete des balls
