Monday, November 13, 2023

One day, he realized that in his deep soul, he envied these miserable and handsome servants tied on the totems.

Court princesses could use servants as they saw fit. It was considered suitable for their training, education, and future to know everything about sexuality and sex. That's why the noblewomen organized a section of the palace's garden so they could stroll around pleasantly, talking about issues of sexuality. This themed garden was surrounded by tall hedges, which delimited flowerbeds with sculptures, pavilions, and totems with themes relating to sexuality. Court women could take young men to serve them sexually, selected and trained to give them pleasure.

Some nobles chose some of the most gifted and handsome young men and gave them as gifts to the Garden of Delights.

Phallic totems of varying sizes, made of solid stone, were used to tie these naked boys so that they could be handled, tortured, or dissected for the pleasure or education of the court girls.

Some of the young men tied up had their dicks hard, excited by fear and nudity. Some were masturbated by the girls many times until they used up the last drop of sperm. Others were chosen to serve as sex toys in their rooms.

Some of the young men were so shocked to see others like him being whipped to death just for the amusement of the maidens that they were petrified, catatonic, and unable to plead for mercy or attempt to escape the brutal and fatal fate.

The beautiful princess in the drawing is interested in and enjoys the sexual use of whips and how men get horny when they are tortured. She placed bells on the nipples of one of her servants and blinded him to serve as her toy pony in the garden. So, riding on her blind pony, she spent entire days destroying some boys tied to totems.

So many times, she whipped her slut pony almost to death cause she was intrigued that he got a hard-on when he was whipped or when he saw or heard other men being brutally whipped. That's why she decided to make him her pet blind pony.

The boy tied to the totem on the left in the drawing is not a servant. He is from a wealthy merchant family who was sent to court to see if any princesses would marry him. He frequented the garden and got very horny seeing young men like him being whipped. He discovered that deep down in his being, he was jealous of their fate. He asked his father to give it as a gift for the garden. The father soon realized the advantages this could bring him. He requested an audience with the Duchess, and before her and the court, he undressed his son, collared the pervert, and gave him as his gift to the Garden of Delights.
The princesses placed him on the last of the totems so that he could watch with a hard-on the others being whipped to death.
Now he's happy his turn has come!


  1. Hmm! O filho do comerciante está muito excitado sexualmente no momento, mas se o servo da lady com mentalidade científica tirar um bisturi para abrir seu escroto para que a jovem possa observar seus testículos, duvido que ele fique duro novamente.

  2. My dear friend, you are absolutely right! Anatomy classes open penises and scrotum to show the organs in action. Obviously, anesthesia and care when opening and handling the pieces are unnecessary, as the entire piece will be discarded anyway.

    1. Dano. Seria melhor que o escravo ejaculasse com os testículos fora do escroto para observar a tensão dos canais deferentes, depois recolocar as gônadas no lugar e costurar o escroto novamente. Então ele poderia ser usado novamente.

  3. Thank you, my dear! Happy to have pleased you!
