Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The day of the auction.

The masochistic and submissive fagot HB wants, with all his strength, to be destroyed by a genuinely sadistic Owner. For years, he has been looking for someone to accept a pervert fag like him. He knows he's not worth much; his flabby body won't arouse desire or affection from normal gay dominators; he knows he's not worth anything anyway.

That's why he was looking online for people who traded slut slaves like him, for sadists who would pay for it. A group of young dominators in the Czech Republic, viral and well-known among BDSM gays, said they could sell him, as long as he was displayed in an online auction they run, for their followers and regular customers.

They would keep the sale price and hand it to the best bidder. They announced on Twitter that they would sell an old fag into actual slavery, with no return, and could be tortured without limits or slaughtered by the buyer.

HB arrived in Prague two days before the sale, and for two days, he was used by the boys who whipped, tortured, and fucked him to "learn about the qualities" of the animal they had sold; it was what they called a fag test drive.

The boys used their cell phones for the auction, and at the agreed time, they had more than 500 online followers watching the bid live. Before the auction started, they made the pervert swallow several pills and injected something into his ass.

H was initially presented dressed in a shirt and slacks and undressed on camera to show that he was a real guy who was willingly selling himself. They showed the buyer his documents and gave all his details online.

They put HB on his knees and started the auction by making him suck one of the guys who covered his face in cum. To show that the old man was an experienced and competent cocksucker.

Then, they stuck an iron in his dick to show the size of his dick erect. While one of the boys tightened a collar around his neck, the other began to crush and twist one of the fag's nipples with force and sadism. The pain was immense; the boy was powerful and squeezed the pliers mercilessly. HB felt his body tremble and his dick pulse excitedly; suddenly, a squirt of cum came out with great force, escaping between the iron and his rock-hard penis! The camera filmed the ejaculation, and followers enjoyed seeing the pain exciting the perverted slave.

Afterward, for hours, his nipples were cruelly injured. At the same time, HB repeated to the audience on the boys' cell phone everything they had announced, all the forms of torture and mutilation he accepted to suffer.

He accepted that all his bones would be broken, that his teeth, his nipples, his lips, his nose, his fingers, his tongue, and his eyes could be brutally ripped out.

That his hands and feet could be cut off, he accepted red-hot tongs and rods, acid, and skinning. 

He continued speaking his text while signing the documents with authorizations for each form of destruction. He only saw the light on his face and felt short of breath as the collar was getting tighter and tighter, suffocating him. At the same time, the big boy with the pliers continued pinching, crushing, and twisting several pieces of his chest with great force, cruelty, and violence.

Sometimes, HB stopped reading the text, as he almost passed out from pain and shortness of breath. Then, in the middle of the auction, he just passed out.

He woke up feeling a lot of pain from the wounds on his chest. He lost track of time, he didn't know how long he had been unconscious, and when he understood where and how he was, he realized that he was face down on the floor with his wrists tied behind his back and being fucked hard by the big boy.

HB asked the boys, with his face and injured chest rubbing the floor:

-Did you manage to sell me?

The boy who was fucking him, holding him by the hair, replied:

- Yes, we did it, you piece of shit, the cost wasn't much, but in three weeks, we'll send you to Australia. The owner of a workshop in Brisbane bought you and said he would have a barbecue with your old carcass!

- Besides your money and the money the guy will pay, we agreed that we would stay with you for this time here just to have fun torturing and fucking you. Besides, some of our clients here in the city paid to use and torture you during these days.

HB breathed a sigh of relief and happiness, simply closed his eyes, and felt his body receiving the thrusts of the boy who was fucking him; he came happily, imagining everything that would happen to him, his dream finally coming true.

The second part of this post is at this link below:


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

In this drawing, my sister and I are riding beasts through the fields of one of our farms.

 With the improvement of neoliberal capitalism and the elimination of all institutional and legal barriers to the free market, the world found a long phase of development and wealth like never before. 

Slavery was legalized in all countries; people could now be officially registered as human beasts. The laws were clear: "HU" beasts could not be humanized again, and the reduction was irreversible and definitive.

HU beasts are not protected by any law or right; not even laws that protect animals apply to these brute and despicable beings; they are just things to be used and discarded without limits.

This new law solved many illegal migrants, homeless, and needy people who disturbed order and generated police and environmental problems. Finally, they were incorporated into production chains to generate wealth as enslaved workers, herds for producing blood and organs for transplants, or even livestock for slaughter and production of milk and meat. 

Farms for breeding HU beasts have prospered in all nations. Advanced veterinary care for these beasts allowed the development of breeds more adapted to heavy work, more muscular, larger, and more docile. Other smaller breeds were developed for work in tunnels, underground pipes, wells, and maintenance of large machines. More lustful and permanently horny breeds were created for all types of prostitution and sexual diversions.

Any human can be enslaved either for having committed crimes or for debts, so there are no more problems of crime or poverty in our cities! Families could sell children to generate income or because they are unwanted. With the legalization of all forms of slavery, the number of voluntary slaves was also surprising; most were perverted fagots who volunteered for slavery out of simple sexual perversion or to pay off their families' debts.

My family gets rich by raising and selling different types of HU beasts for different types of work. I grew up having several of these animals in our home. In this drawing, my sister and I are riding beasts through the fields of one of our farms. 

I, like some of my uncles and cousins, prefer to ride beasts that were once people born human, especially those reduced by poverty or debt as adults.

This type of beast, as soon as it is enslaved, usually has its vocal cords cut, and even if they receive high doses of hormones and steroids, they do not lose that sad, melancholy, and resigned look to slavery. They maintain a particular shame throughout their lives due to nudity and humiliation, which I find charming and makes me horny. 

These two riding beasts still moan and cry when whipped and fucked.

I love seeing them crying sad!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

A drawing for a perverted and masochistic friend!

When I made the last few posts, an old fagot called HB, very masochistic and submissive, showed me his posts in which he sought to find someone who would use his old, flaccid body in the most brutal and fatal ways. He dreams of someone violently wrecking him with sadism and cruelty.

This is the post he regularly shares on his Twitter profile.

So, I kindly offered him these drawings, showing his dream coming true. A rich guy who owns a medium-sized industry decided to take this old fagot and have fun at his expense, making his dreams come true.
He is part of a group of sadistic dominators who were looking for the opportunity to honestly and without limits torture some truly masochistic fagot.

HB was overjoyed, surprised, and stunned to find someone who wanted to use him; within a week, he arrived at the airport of his savior tormentor. 
They took him directly to the factory far from the city's edge. They ripped off the older man's clothes and handed him to a group of cruel guys to be beaten, tortured, and gang-raped. There were days of relentless beatings, torture, and sexual abuse.
His throat was destroyed by hard, thick cocks thrust repeatedly until he choked. His jaw was dislocated from so many fucks and punches and slaps in the face. His anus was enlarged by countless rapes, penetrated by cocks, fists, rods, and tubes of varying diameters.
His nipples were crushed by bites and pliers and burned by blowtorches, soldering irons, and cigarettes.
His body was whipped, burned, and tortured in the most painful and violent ways; however, during all these days, the perv fagot only moaned with lust and pleasure. At no point did he ask for mercy or protest against the abuse. Sometimes, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the excitement when his nipples were crushed and burned. He howled excitedly and horny when the whips ripped his back!
He sucked the cocks placed in his mouth eagerly, enthusiastically, drinking all the cum and licking the cocks insatiably.
All the boys who beat him saw the pleasure and excitement the old fagot felt from the pain, abuse, and humiliation.
When the old whore managed to say something, when his mouth wasn't sucking the cock of one of the executioners, he screamed, begging: Hit harder, you can hit without mercy, that's what I want, that's what this perverted old whore deserves and likes!
The factory owner showed the class the post H shared on the internet. They tried to fulfill each of the perverted fagot's requests. They pulled out some of his teeth with pliers and all of his nails, broke his nose, tore off his ears with pliers, ground, and burned his nipples with a hot iron.
However, they left his eyes so he could see everything he suffered, and they did not castrate him because they enjoyed watching him have erections and ejaculate many times during the torture. One of the boys milked him many times to see how much cum that older fag could ejaculate. After over twenty times, he gave up on masturbating the insatiable pervert.

It was a week of violent pleasure for the insane and insatiable queer. He didn't eat anything; he was fed by sperm and drank the piss of the cruel executioners; he lost about ten kilos in a few days.
Over the weekend, they placed an iron bar on his back and tied his neck, arms and legs, and his scrotum to the bar. Then, they used a small crane to take him to the bar for the barbecue.
When H saw that he was being taken to be placed over the burning fire, he came once more. Speaking with difficulty due to his dislocated jaw, missing teeth, and destroyed throat, he still moaned: thank you guys! Thanks guys! Thank you very much, guys!
And then he blacked out.