Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The fattening wing of the HBC - Second Part

The company has developed the most efficient and profitable fattening and control technique. The animals are kept naked, immobilized, semi-doped, with their arms and head covered by a rubber suit. Ear protectors make animals calmer and facilitate sleep, even with the noise of machines, workers and moans of other animals.
In addition to the handcuffs, immobilization and retraction bars are attached to the knees and elbows, keeping the animal in a position that facilitates handling, washing and hygiene.
The rings hold the base of the animal's balls and dick. For more advanced fattening, castration is performed in the second week of the process. First the balls are removed, after a few days the penis.
During the entire process, the beasts are all the time standing and immobilized in the same place. That's why they urinate and shit on the floor without any control. 
If the beasts are agitated, electric shocks, beatings with clubs and whips are administered by the caregivers.
Without seeing or hearing anything, without being able to move or sit, animals completely lose track of time, and go into a real physical and psychological exhaustion. Most of them do not even notice when they are castrated and calmly accept forced feeding, bathing and beatings.

The beast that will be connected to position A25 has just arrived at the HBC, it has not even been connected to the feeding tube. Until days ago, he was a simple father of a poor family and indebted to the bank. At thirty-two years old, healthy and with a good physique, the negotiation with the bank established that the debt could be greatly reduced if it were to be auctioned. HBC bought it for slaughter.
In a week he'll gain another twenty pounds, then they will cut its balls off. In the second week another twenty kilos, and they cut its dick. At the end of the third week it will weigh over sixty kilograms beyond his current weight and will proceed to slaughter and dismantling.
Various parts, whole blood and some organs are sold for transplantation, the meat to butchers and more sophisticated restaurants. HBC has huge profit margins on this type of fattening to slaughter.


  1. Among the many produced animal models was one marketed as the two-hole pig. This model was made totally hairless and had its teeth pulled, thereby providing two soft holes for use. With teeth, even the most degraded or fearful slave still retains an ability to retaliate; without them the Owner has the supreme pleasure of a power that is at once total and invulnerable.

    The two-hole pig comes with and without an attached charger. In the with model the pig's balls are left attached both as a point of pain and in order to keep it raging with hormone induced horniness. The without model is totally neutralized. In both models the pig's penis is cut so as to remove the distraction or reward of male orgasm.

    1. These slut pigs can be kept on hormones and sexual stimulants in a permanent state of horny sexual arousal. With its sensitive parts in the anus and nipples hypertrophied and sensitive. But for them to be truly harmless, submissive and focused on sexual services they must be blinded too. Blind people are more docile, fearful and submissive.

  2. would love to see more of the slaughter and butchery of the animals for consumption

    1. Don't worry, I'll do it, I love the theme! Glad to know it's not just me!

  3. actually A25 was my father, he knew that was the only way to pay for life. And I know that I would meet him again in local supermarket after months later

    1. The meat of these old animals is not the tastiest or tenderest, like your father. It may be used to make sausages or bologna, it will not be easy to recognize it.

    2. is there slaughterhouse in HBC?

    3. Certainly, animals are not fattened for decoration!

    4. so my father will be sent to slaughterhouse in few months after he get fattened enough

  4. Interesting to see the slaughter
