Thursday, March 18, 2021

We are bringing capitalist Western civilization to backward and uninhabited regions. Submit and domesticate local people.

When the army occupied these regions to extract ore, it had to submit all nomadic tribes and original villages. 
Commanders opted to maintain traditional and rudimentary technologies of exploitation and to use the labor of these communities, such as slaves and pack animals. Army veterinarians worked on selecting the best and strongest animals, cutting their vocal cords, giving them unusual food, and injecting hormones to develop muscle and strength. 
For decades, the enriched dictatorial government, created and supported by European governments, owned hundreds of these savage and furry animals, working heavily in the exploration and transport of metal. The soldiers started to be coachmen, caregivers, and trainers of the beasts of burden. So that the strength and virility of the animals were not channeled into revolts, the animals were trained to be whores of their executioners, to suck the dicks of their trainers, and to be raped daily.
It was in this way, subjecting these original Asian peoples and destroying their cultures and traditions, that European progress and civilization were imposed on the region.



  1. When I visited our mines ⛺ down there years ago, it was a special pleasure for me, personally to put their heavy glans ring on some of these newly commissioned beasts. One must have seen the expression of sheer panic 😰 in the eyes of these beasts, when one approaches them, who of course are not allowed to wear any clothes, with an iron needle in ones hand that is red-hot from the fire 🔥. Their fear increases immeasurably, when you grab their cock and approach the needle of their exposed glans 🌰. I will never forget the incredible screams and gutural sounds that these animals uttered, while I slowly pierced their glans with the hot needle. Ah, just wonderful to be able to experience something animal like that 💪. In any case, these glans rings are very practical to lead these critters. A quick pull on the leash attached to their glans ring is enough, and they follow you without any problems 🐮.

  2. super klimat....ale możesz mi wyjaśnić, po co najpierw przekuwałeś bestiom żołędzie???? potem piszesz o zakładaniu ciężkich pierścieni pod żołędzie ich kutasów...

  3. no i chyba zakładałeś pierścienie na żołędzie z odciągniętym napletkiem???
