Friday, February 12, 2021

2st stage: Getting used to being an animal

A series of eight images showing the process of delivery and transformation of a submissive and masochist slut, this is the second.

The slut fag does not leave the house anymore and has no contact with anyone else. 

Lives only for its Owner!

From this stage, the fagot no longer wears clothes. Animals do not use furniture, clothing, or tools. It learns to shit without cleaning his ass, to piss without holding its penis. It has to learn to be silent all the time and unlearn how to speak. Learn to eat by sticking its mouth in the bowl and eating whatever food it receives, including leftovers and dog food.

Remember, it’s an animal, it’s not a pet. It receives no treats or affection, just kicks, slaps, and scorn.

The stupid animal has to be trained with violence and regularity to be obedient and servile.


  1. That's right, it's not a pet 🐶, the owner must never forget that. Because at least, from the moment on, that the fagot had said "use me" he only deserves to be kicked, spat on and fucked hard in his holes 🍆. You don't talk to such an animal either. At most it receives brief orders, and if it does not obey them immediately, beatings with the leather belt. Generally pets are hold for entertainment, but these fagots have to be trained, chastised, and abused 💪. That is their destiny.

  2. no tak, takie kompletne odczłowieczenie......nie jest nawet zwierzęciem, tylko rzeczą.......i ręce cały czas powinien mieć mocno związane z tyłu metalowymi obręczami......oczywiście z wyjątkiem czasu kiedy musi ciężko pracować....
