Sunday, November 15, 2015

A naked slave being cruelly whipped

Watching a naked animal being cruelly whipped, moaning, and writhing in pain, is a great pleasure.
I truly enjoyed this drawing, and I was excited to do it.
Which of the three versions you like best?

I had already been on the farm for months, working like a pack mule from sunrise to sunset. I was already used to the hard work and permanent nudity; it was the life I dreamed of that I sought and accepted when I advertised myself on the internet to be this enslaved animal.
The owner who bought me on the web had said he wasn't gay, that he didn't have the slightest sexual interest in a guy like me. He bought me just like someone buying a horse to pull a cart. I accepted his offer; I just asked him to keep me chained and naked and to whip me violently and regularly, and he agreed. 
Over time, I realized that he liked the position. He showed me off to all the farmers in the area like a prize cow. He made me work daily, without rest, until physical exhaustion every day.
He learned to use whips masterfully; he used whips all day long; he knew how to hurt me with precision, causing pain and motivating me in the best way.
Sometimes the heavy work routine tired me a little, but when, at the end of the afternoon, he came to the barn to whip me, I felt tremendously horny, and I even came when the whips hurt my back.
These beatings were not punishments; they were my reward, payment, and daily dose of happiness and joy.
I waited for these whippings, excited and happy. At that moment, I knew for sure that this was how I wanted to live my entire life!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Young people are stripped naked, tied up and exposed by the police.

Police officers often prefer to keep detainees naked. Suspects are stripped naked to be searched for weapons or drugs. After being searched, they have to wait, as their information is sent to the police stations to check if they have a criminal record or any outstanding arrest warrants. It is more practical for them to wait naked, gagged, and tied up.

If they have a criminal record, they are placed in the police cars like a piece of tied meat sent to the police station. They can still be punished or beaten before being released if they do not have a criminal record. Some have to give blowjobs to excited police officers, others are raped with rubber batons or the officers' cocks.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New drawings, but still in process.

The drawing shows two young prisoners of war, handsome and strong.
The tribesmen who captured them have no intention of freeing them, nor keeping them alive.
All the tribesmen, the youngest and the elders, take sticks and whips and are in no hurry to flog the boys. They have all the time they want.
There may be many beatings, with different instruments, alternating rapes and various abuses. They don't care if they die, that's not a problem, it's just a matter of time and fun.
The prisoners know this and wait resigned and scared.
They know they can't beg for mercy, they can't escape.

There are influences from Tamsart's themes, dealing with a theme similar to that posted by The Art of Fellows, and something my friend Viste.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sex slaves

These black animals were chosen, trained and sold to serve.
The explorers had to travel for several months or years, in the most dense and dangerous forest, searching for gold.
They needed a lot of mules and strong slaves to carry all the material.
Slaves beyond serving as beasts of burden were used to sexually serve the troops.
The expedition could not take women, they would die if become pregnant during so long and dangerous journeys. The terrible conditions of hygiene and venomous animals prevented the presence of women, whether indians or blacks.
Whites used to rape every indian they could find, women or men, young or old, even the children. The Catholic church guarantee that indians were filthy animals, soulless, like monkeys or pigs. They did not deserve respect or mercy.

The sexual fury and the lust of the explorers had no limits. Far from civilization, in a world without rules or sins, they could do whatever they wanted or they needed.
To calm down and reduce the troops stress they needed to do a lot of sex every night.
Thats why the black slaves was the regular alternatives.
Blacks were kept chained, with collars and partially tied all the time, to prevent escape. In the heat of the forest, with so many bonds was natural for blacks to walk almost naked.
The most rebellious slaves had their teeth pulled out to not be able to bite their owners. These toothless animals were preferred to suck the tired cocks at night.
They was tortured, spanked, whipped, fucked, they also fucked and sucked regularly all the Portuguese explorers.

The pioneers paid high prices for blacks well trained to please their needs.

These drawings are a tribute to Sherwin my friend in Prague.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A guy ready to be flogged.

Today I saw this boy on the subway. I figured that would be lovely, kneeling, bound and exposed to being beaten.
Nothing is more beautiful than a defenseless animal ready to use, right?

Friday, April 3, 2015

A beautiful way to turn a young prisoner into a submissive slave.

This is an excellent way to transform even a rustic, young, strong, and muscular prisoner into a submissive,  obedient, and stupid slave, a genuine beast of burden.
Tie him naked to the pillory for some days, being whipped, tortured, and raped mercilessly.
In this process, his ass may be enlarged to be fisted easily.
Spank and crush his cock and balls till it loses any function.
His thirst was satisfied only by the piss of the torturers.
Even the most stupid and restless animal, oppressed so painfully, learns to obey without resistance, delay, or shame.
It learns that it is just an animal without dignity or value.
Becomes a valuable and obedient beast to work.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Watch boys being whipped

The poor boys, many of whom were homeless or orphans, were taken from their cells and driven to a small platform set up under the gallows structure. Later that afternoon, those sentenced to death would be executed. Still, early in the morning, to encourage the residents to go to the central square, these young offenders were taken to entertain and entertain the audience. 
The jailers knew how to please, and motivate the audience. They chose the best-looking boys and took them from the jail to the square, already naked and with their hands handcuffed behind their backs. Before organizing the line, they tied a tight rope to the base of their dicks. It was a way of handling the dicks, making them grow, and keeping them bigger and more beautiful for the audience. 
In the square, since the boys were not condemned, since there were no established sentences, they offered the boys beatings with quince sticks, for fun and to raise some money for the jailers. Wealthy families could pay for the jailers to whip the boys, freely determining the number of blows and which part of their body to strike; or they could pay for the jailers to apply the lashes themselves. In either solution, the important goal was for the young bodies to contort and dance to the rhythm of the blows, preferably by singing, that is, shouting and crying loudly, putting on a beautiful and entertaining spectacle to entertain the audience that waits to watch the hangings.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sentenced to death by flogging

Those sentenced to death by flagellation were whipped once a week. The law says they cannot receive more than 100 lashes per session. After each beating, they tended their wounds to withstand the next session.
He may be whipped for many weeks until the wounds, bleeding, and infection kill him. For stronger animals, this can take months.
He was kept dressed in the same thick pants and old shoes, which were becoming soaked with sweat, blood, feces, and urine. During the sessions, it is common for the person being whipped to have incontinence and to piss and shit in their pants; some had erections and came during the beatings. 
When the unfortunate convict finally died, these filthy pants were put on, unwashed for the next convict. The idea is that they were part of the sentence. The condemned man knew that they had already been worn by others before him, who only took them off when dead.
Some convicts masturbate and spill all the cum on their pants as a way of showing the other convicts that life and sex are forms of protest and resistance.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Women whipping men for pleasure.

The court ladies served as concubines and prostitutes to the nobles of the palace. To satisfy the needs of every noble, they had to know everything about sex, all the secrets and practices that could give pleasure to their masters.
They studied, learned, and practiced with the soldiers and the servants.
There are many reports of then used as didactic material, guinea pigs to the practices of court ladies.
This drawing shows the ladies practicing flogging of a strong soldier.
The ladies want to find the line between pain and pleasure.
The soldier has no choice but to obey the orders by hook or by crook.
The palace gardens could serve as real classrooms.
The garden of delights or the hell´s garden?

Bound and naked slave, waiting to be used.

All the masochists, like me, have the fantasy of remain naked and tied up while waiting for your Master using it. Remain tied, in pain, for long periods is more interesting as fantasy than as practical, but it is exciting.
I think nice to see the bound and helpless animal.
Two very different styles of drawings, which one you enjoy more?

He was punished and castrated in public.

When a community member does something that displeases traffickers, he is punished in public. The executions are attended by everyone without discussion or questions. I can't deny that there is some sadistic pleasure on the part of the audience.

In the drawing illustrated, one of the most handsome, hot, and well-endowed guys in the neighborhood had an affair with the wife of a jailed drug dealer. Even in prison, the boss ordered the handsome man to be tied naked to a pole, where he was brutally beaten and tortured for several days.
As it was a punishment for a sexual crime, his scrotum was especially tortured with kicks, whips, and pliers and burned with cigarettes. It seemed like he would never get an erection or father children again.
The boy cried and begged for mercy due to the pain, mainly because he feared the worst.
Finally, the worst happened: the boss ordered them to rip off the boy's balls.