Wednesday, July 12, 2023

I knew, he got where he wanted to be.

He asked me to accompany him for this final act, and I accepted. 

We've been friends for a short time, we met on the web, looking for the same thing, but soon I realized that he wanted, what was just a fantasy for me.

The website was apparent, looking for men who wanted to be slaughtered and served on the menu. The site asked for medical records and certificates confirming good health conditions. The site offered to pay all expenses and a nice sum for anyone willing to be slaughtered and served. 

I remember getting aroused and masturbating several times during the negotiations until I realized it wasn't just a fantasy. At this stage, we met and exchanged the first messages and photos. We talked a lot about our common fantasies and desires.

He was Portuguese and had a hard-on at the idea of being roasted and eaten for real. I initially thought I had the same wish, but when we found the site that felt real, that it wasn't just a game, I soon gave up, but he didn't; he moved on. He asked to the company if I could accompany him remotely on my cell phone and the web until the end. The site allowed and strictly complied with everything agreed upon; I should say that they were very faithful to everything agreed upon.

He told me that he was happy and excited when the money landed in his account and received his plane ticket to Abu Dhabi. They bought him, paid him well, and he transferred the money into the account of the relatives he chose without explaining where the money came from.

He got on the plane without telling anyone but me and just disappeared from his world.

He traveled with only the clothes he was wearing and his documents.

Then he told me that they were waiting for him as soon as he arrived in Abu Dhabi and took him to the restaurant. Doctors examined him, who confirmed his good health and began preparations.

He sent me several messages daily, telling me everything that happened, which excited and scared me simultaneously.

I admit that I masturbated many times reading his messages.

He said that he was kept in a cell, naked all time.

He said that on the first day, they gave him a violent bowel cleansing, made him vomit many times, and stuck tubes down his throat and anus, washing out his intestines thoroughly. He was filled with water and detergent until his belly bulged out several times and emptied.

The cleaning process was excruciating, violent, and exhausting.

He was fed only crushed and seasoned vegetables for the next few days. He said he found the food unbearable but was forced to eat as they put tubes down his throat and pushed the mixture down his throat.

He said that the throat was hurt by the tubes, the funnels, and having to swallow vegetables almost whole, with a lot of seasoning together.

After three days, he was shaved entirely, down to the last yarn of what his body had. Then they kept him in a sweltering cell; he said it must have been over 45 degrees, and he was sweating a lot. He understood that his pores were wide open this way, and the cooks began to vigorously rub a paste with spices, peppers, and salt all over his body. The idea was that the spices would enter every pore of it.

In the final stage, as we had agreed, the cooks sent me the videos that filmed the final stages of the Portuguese guy's preparation.

I saw him strapped onto a large steel tray with a strap. The fagot helped the team by getting into the position they asked for while tying him up. The binding wasn't so he wouldn't escape; it was so he could be roasted in the correct position.

He no longer looked like the guy I knew; his color was different; he was so covered in oils and seasonings that he already had the color of a roasted pig. With no eyebrows, hair, or eyelashes, his face was puffy and red; his red eyes must have burned from so many spices. He was gagged; I don't know if so; he couldn't moan or vomit the stuffing that filled him. His belly was visibly swollen from them. A cook even shoved some vegetables up his ass, and this anal stuffing movement excited him so much that he ejaculated a few times.

The last video showed it a few minutes before it was placed in the oven and the instant the team carefully placed the tray in the lit oven.

I saw that he was conscious and moving when they closed the door to the vast industrial oven. His cock was still erect and pulsing.

I received the menu online with the dinner menu and his last photo printed on it.

I can say that seeing his cock ejaculating sperm when he was arranged in the tray only confirmed what I knew; he got where he wanted to be. He entered the happy oven.


  1. The desire to be used is a captivating one. To venture past the point of no return is exciting. To relinquish all control is bliss.

    1. I totally agree with you! We are in a line, feeling the same erection.

  2. Dada a delicadeza de algumas peças, parece prudente retirar as bolas e a torneira logo após o início da cozedura, para que estas partes não queimem. É possível que o homem ainda esteja consciente. Ele ainda ficará excitado quando sentir que a lâmina começa a cortar seu escroto?

    1. Provavelmente, especialmente se a extração for feita delicadamente.

    2. Nesse caso, pode haver uma ejaculação quente final pouco antes de a lâmina atingir o ducto deferente que conecta os testículos à próstata.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This turns me on! The complete and total surrender of the animal/slave. Wow! And, the placement of the animal for roasting is unique, and perfect.

  5. I would love to volunteer to be a main course in this restaurant.
