The court ladies served as concubines and prostitutes to the nobles of the palace. To satisfy the needs of every noble, they had to know everything about sex, all the secrets and practices that could give pleasure to their masters.
They studied, learned, and practiced with the soldiers and the servants.
There are many reports of then used as didactic material, guinea pigs to the practices of court ladies.
This drawing shows the ladies practicing flogging of a strong soldier.
The ladies want to find the line between pain and pleasure.
The soldier has no choice but to obey the orders by hook or by crook.
The palace gardens could serve as real classrooms.
The garden of delights or the hell´s garden?
They studied, learned, and practiced with the soldiers and the servants.
There are many reports of then used as didactic material, guinea pigs to the practices of court ladies.
This drawing shows the ladies practicing flogging of a strong soldier.
The ladies want to find the line between pain and pleasure.
The soldier has no choice but to obey the orders by hook or by crook.
The palace gardens could serve as real classrooms.
The garden of delights or the hell´s garden?