Sunday, January 15, 2023

Second chapter with Mr. Kristofer being punished like an animal by religious people!

This chapter continues the post "Mr. Kristofer was stripped, chained, blessed and consecrated to the work of plowing the land for the rest of his life." available at:


Thanks to Mr. Kristofer for all the support to this work!

Disturbed by Kristofer's enthusiasm and lust when being treated like a beast of burden, the men of God decided to punish him for his perversion.

They gathered the entire community of believers in the stable to pray and punish the fag for his perversion.

Men, women, and children watched the sticks lash the pervert's body cruelly. His body was beaten, bruised, and bleeding, but he was still horny and hard! Shepherds were irritated and pissed off by his hard-on.

They then decided to tie the head of his dick to a bar that held his shins. This way, his penis was stretched down and immobilized to be directly whipped.

The blows of the sticks violently hit the penis, which quickly became covered with wounds and purple and red marks.

To everyone's surprise, even facing the pain of having his cock whipped, Mr. Kristofer came spilling cum during the spanking!

Everyone in the barn watched in a daze as the masochistic fagot orgasmed! As if the beating had masturbated the greedy animal.

One of the elders, in desperation, took castration pliers and began to threaten the fag:

"If that Devil's erection doesn't let up, the only solution will be to castrate this perverted demon!"

Upon hearing the threat, Kristofer came once more!


  1. Emocionante.
    Mas por favor NÃO castre este animal.
    Faça-no caminhar sob o sol, nu e descalço puxando uma carroça de colonos para a igreja, onde ele será acoitado diante toda a comunidade.

    1. Meu amigo, fique tranquilo, não pretendo castrá-lo. Gosto muito do Mr. Kristofer!

    2. Que bom!
      Espero ver Mr.Kristofer demonstrar a sua máxima ereção ao estar pelado e escravizado diante destes crueis cristãos!
      Adoraria vê-lo açoitado dianta da "Casa do Senhor"! Ele seria como um São Sebastião encarnado!

  2. This is wonderful. Mr. Kristofer is one of my biggest fantasies. I hope to see more of him tortured.

  3. I really like this work of yours! Beautiful drawing, full of detail. I also like the technique - the pastel drawing has subtlety, contrasting with the theme of the drawing. I am sure Mr. Kristofer loves it. :-)

    1. Thank you very much my friend, for the generous and encouraging words!
