Saturday, July 8, 2023

The stupid beasts became commonplace in the good houses.

Men condemned by debts or crimes to become slaves lose their identities; they are no longer recognizable; they become just numbered bodies. 

The objectification process used to be fast, violent, and irreversible, so the animal had no hope or resistance.

After putting on the hoods and chains, permanent nudity is considered a vital norm to characterize the animal condition. The sellers of these bodies may do what they see fit and be profitable. The most muscular bodies can be sold for hard work, the most delicate ones for housework or prostitution, the fattest and softest for slaughter and meat production, and the healthiest ones for organ donation, blood extraction, or sperm. They are just bodies; they have no rights; they are only useful and profitable.

This family decided to buy one of these animals to have at home. They became commonplace in the good houses. They clean the house, wash and iron clothes, cook and wash the dishes, take care of the gardens, and accompany the children to school; they can even be used as a sex toys for family members or used as such at parties with friendly couples.

They are better and more versatile pets than dogs or cats. The curious thing is that in homes, unlike other domestic animals that were held, caressed, and stroked, these animals are violently beaten, tortured, and raped.

Torturing them with cruelty is a relaxing and socially stimulated, and valued pastime. While animals (dogs and cats) were treated like spoiled children, with affection, these ex-humans were treated with brutal cruelty like brute and despicable animals.

While dogs and cats were prized for their intelligence, these human beasts are prized for their stupidity, taking mind-numbing drugs to become more stupid and docile.

When domestic animals die and are mourned and buried with honor and affection, these human beasts are drooled and discarded like garbage.


  1. Let's see some slaughter depicted please!

  2. My Unknown friend, I also love slaughter, but every time I post I lose a lot of followers, I have to vary heavier and lighter themes.

  3. I understand, would love to see it, but your blog is your blog! Love the stuff regardless.
