Thursday, December 23, 2021

Silent night, holy night All is calm, All is bright..

 Ever since the family realized that the boy was a sex-addicted, filthy cunt, they established that he was no longer part of the family,  and he was just the slut whore of the house. 

The entire family, the parents, siblings, the uncles and cousins, the grandparents and brothers-in-law had learned how to treat this despicable creature, the treatment this kind of shit deserves. Since its youth, the bitch is kept naked and in chains, doing all the housework and being used by everyone as a private slut whore.

Its obedience, acceptance, and always hard cock confirm that this is the life this dumb cunt has always dreamed of!

At Christmas, when the whole family gets together to celebrate the love that unites them, the bitch works a lot tidying the house, preparing and cooking dinner, washing the dishes and pans, tidying up the whole house.

At this time of fraternization, the differentiated treatment for the faggot is also better defined. His Owners beat and whip more violently and frequently, in front of all the relatives, to show the position of the disgusting queer.

Everyone has fun giving the slave slaps, kicks, and punches.

The family children have fun pouring candle wax on its backs injured by the whiplash on these days. Mimicking the behavior of adults, all the boys pee in the fag's pots of water and feed.

Years ago, everyone learned to treat this inferior slut animal of the family with humor, naturalness, and cruelty. The bitch could not wish for another life, and it loves Christmas.


  1. We like to starve our slave at Christmas just to reinforce its feelings of insignificance. We usually begin two or three days before, just after the Solstice so that come Christmas Day it is weak and ravenous. We laugh and wish it Merry Christmas knowing that for it the season is a time of loneliness, humiliation and despair.

    1. You are very fair and educational. But starvation is just part of education, violent beatings accompanied by making the slut drink urine and sperm can prolong the suffering without fainting.

    2. Well Christmass is a time for kindness and the starving gets it ready to endure our New Years resolutions for getting it back into new and improved levels of abuse.

    3. Dices eso y aún así te acuerdas del maricon dos días antes y lo castigas de forma especial por la fecha, eso es tenerlo en cuenta, si de verdad fuera tal mierda, ni lo recordarlas.

    4. ¡OK! Pero, contextualicemos. Tratar a un perro con crueldad y torturarlo con alegría y atención no significa que lo recuerdes como una persona, sino solo como un perro. Es bueno cuando no olvidamos la naturaleza vil y despreciable de la perra y la usamos sádicamente. Lo peor es cuando se queda durante días, encerrada en un oscuro almacén, sin que nadie recuerde su existencia, ¿estás de acuerdo?
