Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My dear friends, visitors, and followers, thank you very much for following my blog! I am facing a creative crisis.

My dear friends, visitors, and followers, thank you for following my blog!

I am facing a creative crisis.

I reached over 300 followers on my blog and will soon reach 20 thousand followers on X.

Last year, the blog had more than 655 thousand hits, an average of almost 1,800 daily. I had over eleven million visits in one year on X, and I can't complain. But so few people comment or give any support, comment, or feedback that I feel frustrated and discouraged. Another problem is that when they comment, it is to make criticisms that I don't agree with or suggestions that I don't like.

I keep drawing; I've started many, but scanning and processing them is laborious and time-consuming.

I am also at a busy stage in my professional life. I have a lot of work to do to read, evaluate, and give my opinion. I have a lot of meetings, classes to prepare, and students to guide.

I will continue producing, drawing, writing, and posting at longer intervals.

Right now, it takes more time and energy.